Growing Up

Common word we used to always hear.. especially from the older folks.. grow up!... U how old oredi? ... well i think growing up is not just growing up .. in terms of physically... but then to some grow up physically is still an issue... either is only the face that grow old the body remain the same... or either we grew side way .. or heading up...

there are some one i knew that never grow up.. i am not teasing her or anything like that.. is like she is still she was back in 10 years ago when i first met her.... never change.. still that beautiful... perfect skin... and now a very success person... you might see her on some local drama and maxis ad. over 10 years i know her and physically she never grow.. some place does.. hehe.. but what i admire her is she grew in terms of experience, knowledge and mature...

I have met one person who physically sign show that the person is old enough but somehow.. have a pretty much thinking like a kid.. i do not know why .. maybe is because being pampered since a kid.. and having a good life since then.. you know like ppl say ( bite on golden key ).

that person is the person who u shoot for something that you do but in reality that person also doing it as well. is like pointing a gun at own forehead. Somehow that person really pissing me off by insult my religion.. it is not a big deal.. but somehow.. it just change my opinion towards that person... i can always picture that day that person insulted me.. although it might indirect or just a joke but then I believe this is the thing or time where you think before you talk kind of situation....

well that is all.. just wanna get this out from me.. but then still doesn't mean i will forget of the insult....

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