Doha moving too fast?

Today local news headline stated Qatar is now bidding for 2020 Olympics game after they successfully won the bid for World Cup which boost up their confident. They also bidding to host Tour de France 2016 which I do not know when it is going to be held.

Anyway, this is a good thing as the whole world will recognize Qatar which they already did since they won the bid or WC2020 and with the alleged bribe conspiracy. The Government have very good vision and with the unlimited billions of wealth that they have, they can practically do anything to make Arab world visible.

You be crazy to find out the amount of money that they have. Dubai, was... then Abu Dhabi...... Now Saudi is building the world tallest tower 1KM high? and I bet Qatar will do the same... it is just a matter of time and before that happen Qatar already building world largest mall and I tell you it is world largest mall. It is 8KM long and can fit 110 football field which should be ready next year. Although all these countries are Arab country but they kinda don't get along that much mainly I personally think is due to politics. It is also a way to show each other how much money that they have.

Most of these oil country are diversify their investment and do no want sole dependent on their oil and gas revenue for their country. Therefore you see so much of the development and in the end I think Qatar would be another Dubai but a better manage version of it.

I love to see this happening and hoping able to experience it while I am still working here but personally I feel they are moving too fast because the problem is the people who are executing the job which makes thing so much difficult and probably impossible. If they want thing to go smoothly use the wealth you have and hire tons and tons of "RIGHT" expat to do the job. Not all expat can do the job right as I have been working with them and most of them are. hmm hai speechless....

I hope the government to control the development in terns of  investment and socially because if it turn out to be Dubai which is pretty not safe for even a girl to walk alone. Qatar right now is very safe and I like it very much.

What Qatar need to do now, is to get rid of those old expat which really doesn't fit to do the job because most of them are rich and have other incomes which make them don't care about their actual job. All they want is to be in a high position of a company in order to have a saying power and status. But do they have the right mindset and skillset? NOPE.... but recently I see things are changing so let see and wait and hope for the greater day.....

Key word of the day

Qatarization is not a good idea as it doesn't help to improve competition and competition bring innovation.

Qatarization is a similar concept as Malaysia bumiputra as the local citizen will get special privilege. The only different is Qatarization apply to call their citizen while bumiputra is only applied to the Malaysian - Malay race and not others. So much for the 1Malaysia concept.

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