Liver Flush / Detox

It has been about several days since I did my liver flush last weekend and to tell you the truth, it was pretty scary as I don't know what to expect and now is over I could say it is pretty alright but the remedy for the detox is horrible to swallow and the preparation day was difficult as well.

To have a long term and continuous effect from the liver flush, one must change the diet after doing it which means you gotta be vegetarian and on low carbohydrate diet for the rest of your life. Many said that we human are not build to eat meat even we are omnivore as our digestion tract or not meant to process meat due to it stay in our guts for days.

Even so I find this fact fascinating but it is difficult for me to be a vegan or vegetarian and especially in Qatar. What I was told that in our normal daily life we often eat at this ratio 7:3:1 which means 7 scoops of rice, 3 piece of meat and 1 vegetable and cost those slow and hard to digest food will turn into toxin and in pollute our body. There is so much discussion on this as I sit about 2 hours listen to the nutritionist talk and the rule of thumb is we should take a lot of alkaline food and less acid food with the ratio 80/20.

Well back to my flushing, it is best that you need to train you tummy to process less food for several days first before you do the flushing as if you don't you will feel very ill. So what I do is one before I do detox I eat a lot of vegetables, cut down on white bread (which is not good at all due to processed flour) and eat a lot of oat meal. On 4 days before detox I only survive on fresh fruit juice and boiled vegetable and do begin the detox after that. Once you drink the remedy, you will diarrhea from midnight to probably the next day evening (depends on individual). Right after the flushing, I feel lighter and to my surprise I lost another 3KG and even today I scare about it as it seem to be too fast...... I did ask the Dr and he said is norm due to the diet change. So those who want to do it well I try to put up a sample of the ingredient and the step you need.

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